Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

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General Q&A

Q: Where can I find the spec sizes? 

A: Please see our Fulfillment Kit  for all material requirements and deadlines.


Q: What is a DSP?

A: A Demand Side Platform (DSP) is an automated buying platform, where advertisers and agencies go to purchase digital ad inventory. When we say ad inventory what we mean are banner ads on websites, mobile ads on apps and the mobile web, and in-stream video. DSPs are integrated into multiple ad exchanges, which means we can show your ad where your audience is.

Q: We’re already doing DSP, what makes yours different? 

A: Viqtory is the only marketing company with a Military DSP. Because we have first-party data, we can more accurately reach the military community through programmatic advertising. 

Q: Why would I include DSP in my campaign strategy?

A: It depends on your goals, but including the DSP provides additional opportunities to reach your target audience at the right time. The DSP can include geo-fencing, search retargeting,  key demographic information, etc. 

Q: What are we able to include in the Demographic information? How specific are you able to target?

A:  With DSP the audience will include our first-party data along with additional layers we discuss. Targeting can include geo-fencing, geo-targeting, housing income, behavioral interests, etc.

Q: What network do you use?

A: We use a Military Specific Demand Side Platform with our first party data. 

Q: Where will the ads serve? What sites will my ads show on?

A: With the DSP your  ads will serve on any sites on the web that meet the requirements set during our targeting discussions. 

Q: Can we control which sites they serve on? 

A: Yes. Depending on the strategy of the campaign, we can restrict the campaign to only run on specific websites. 

Q: Can you guarantee that our ads do not serve on rogue sites? 

A: Yes. We can use a variety of methods to avoid rogue sites or sites that may not be brand compliant for you.

Social Programmatic Ad Questions

Q: What are the requirements needed to run social ads? 

A: 3 things are needed to create social ads: Creative, Copy, and a UTM’ed Landing page URL that you would like to  send traffic to. 

Q: Why would we use you for Social Programmatic, we’re doing that in-house already? What is the benefit from the social ads I am already doing?

A: As a publisher, we have first-party data that gives us the ability to more accurately reach the military community through social  advertising. 


Q: Where will the ads serve? What sites will my ads show on?

The ads will show on Facebook and/or Instagram. Below are the placements available on the two platforms.



Q: Why do I need to place a pixel? 

A: Placing a pixel provides our digital strategist and campaign manager more insight to your campaign to see the user’s behavior flow on the site, time on site, and more. It also allows us to retarget users who have visited your landing page. 

Q: Should I add the pixel to the one page or to the whole website?

A: You should place the pixel in the universal header.

Q: Will it interfere with my pixels?

A: No you can place multiple pixels on your page.

Q:We don’t want to place a pixel.

A: If you don’t want to place a pixel, we ask that you provide us access to GA and/or additional reporting. Without being able to view analytics, we will have limited abilities to optimize a programmatic campaign.

ROS Banner/SOV Questions

Q: Where will they serve? What sites will my ads show on?

A: Depending on what brand is in your contract, the ROS Banners will be served on and/or


Dedicated E-mail (e-Blast) Questions

Q: How big is your audience?

A: We have a total of 100K subscribers between GI Jobs and Military Spouse.

Q: Can you send us the metrics for the last X months? 

A: You can find your metrics on your dashboard. If you need anything more than the CTR, Open Rate, and Deliveries, please reach out to


How to Submit Onboarding Questions

Q: How do I submit my ads?

A: Please send your materials to

Q: How do I update my profile? Can I update my profile myself?

A: If you have any updates on your current profile, please reach out to

General Programmatic Questions/Definitions


Impressions: The number of times your ad was on screen.

Link Clicks: The number of clicks on your ad’s image, call to action, or headline that results in the user being directed to your landing page.

Click-through rate (CTR): The ratio of Link Clicks to Impressions.


Q:  Where do I find metrics for the following:

  • Social
  • Display
  • Share of Voice (Also Known as Run of Site)
  • Sponsored Content
  • Profile Page Views
  • Request Info Leads
  • Email Campaign
  • Job Board

A:  You can find all of your metrics for each digital product with us on the home page. Additional performance information is available for both our social and display managed programmatic products on separate pages. These pages are accessible via the navigation menu on the left sidebar.