We Bring The Talent To You.

Find the right military veteran candidate, with the right skills to fill your jobs.

Finding Candidates is Easy. Finding the Right Candidate Isn't.

A Smarter Approach to Recruiting: We use intelligent technology to target your ideal candidate(s) and deliver meaningful, relevant messaging at every stage of the candidate journey. Here’s how we do it.

Tailored Client

No two clients are the same, and we understand that. We go beyond the cookie-cutter recruitment methods of the past.

We evaluate what means the most to you, and create a custom campaign to deliver results that make a difference.

More Qualified Candidates

Higher ROI

Lower Acquisition Costs

Increased Employer Branding Exposure

Data-Based Campaigns

We make decisions based on research and experience.

Our 20+ years as the top resource for transitioning service members and military spouses looking for career opportunities has given us the data you need to find the right candidates.

First-party data allows us to:

Target an ideal candidate audience with the skills you’re looking for with data-based campaigns.
Military Talent Acquisition recruit funnel

Full-Funnel Marketing

By focusing on each stage of the recruitment process, our solutions make your budget go further.

Our recruitment marketing experts will work side-by-side with you and your team to develop a strategy that engages candidates at every step of their journey. This holistic approach provides:

Military Brand Power

Our brands are some of the most trusted in the military community.

Through over 20 years of providing the military community with civilian opportunities, we have nurtured a trust within the audience you need.

Acquire Military and Veteran Talent with a brand that stands out

Smarter Solutions. Superior Results.

Data Driven

Gain the competitive edge through our first-party, military network.

Research Led

We’ll partner with your talent acquisition and marketing teams to identify your optimal military candidate profile.

Results Oriented

Our approach is holistic, targeted, measurable and high-performing.

Targeted Messaging

We'll hone your employment message in all media types, from print and digital, to video and social.

Military Marketing Solutions
That Deliver Serious Results

Managed Programmatic

We specialize in full-service programmatic campaign management for the military and veteran community. We work with our partners to supplement internal creative and marketing teams to fill in skills gaps as needed.

Cross-Platform Retargeting

We target audiences while they’re engaging with social platforms on their mobile devices and desktops to expand your reach.

Audience Discovery

Through analysis of site/app activity, along with in-depth surveys, we help you learn who your ideal prospects are to form targeting and messaging strategies.

Custom Algorithms

We work closely with our Data Scientists and Product Development teams to enhance our ability to effectively manage campaigns and drive the best performance.

Native & Content Strategies

We reach audiences with non-invasive, in-feed ads. Native ads are an effective way to distribute your brand’s message on mobile, and content-based marketing is an effective way to engage an audience.

Dynamic Creative

Utilize our creative team’s combined 40+ years of military and veteran-specific experience to help you develop the right content and messaging.

360º Solutions

Intelligent Targeting

Using First-Party data and audience characteristics to show your message to the right audience at the right time.

Sponsored Content

Custom created content highlights your company and your available opportunities.

Native Advertising

Digital banner ads give G.I. Jobs® & Military Spouse website users instant connection with your company’s web pages or job sites.

Advertising in G.I. Jobs Magazine

Utilize G.I. Jobs® magazine to build brand awareness within the military community. Combine your print branding with our targeted digital solutions to create a marketing solution that will put your brand at the front and center of the military community.

Advertise in Military Spouse Magazine

Utilize Military Spouse magazine to build brand awareness within the military community. Combine your print branding with our targeted digital solutions to create a marketing solution that will put your brand at the front and center of the military community.

Company Profiles

Our military designers will build you a custom landing page, highlighting your brand on the G.I. Jobs website, and directing interested veterans to your job openings.

Job Board Listings

Interested in posting your open positions for military veterans? G.I. Jobs can help you find the qualified veteran talent that you’re searching for through our Veteran Job Boards, which attract tens of thousands of veterans monthly.


Customized “E-blast” sent on your behalf to up to 50,000 military job candidates at a time. Includes your branding and recruitment message.

Virtual Career Fairs

Leveraging VIQTORY’s marketing solutions, the G.I. Jobs® Virtual Career Expo draws military and veteran talent from every branch of service, which allows organizations to effectively recruit top-quality candidates for their open positions.

Real-Time Reporting

Our custom reporting dashboards give you real-time insights into your campaign, allowing you to easily monitor results.

Companies We Work With

Results We've Produced

Work With us

We help agencies, companies, schools, and brands accelerate their recruiting, enrollment, and customer acquisition goals by leveraging our first-party data across 3 trusted brands – GI Jobs, Military Spouse and Military Friendly. Using smart technology, we are able to deploy targeted campaigns that connect qualified candidates with your positions.

We’d love to discuss your strategic objectives and show you and your team how we can help you stand out in the crowd and gain the competitive edge.

Let’s discuss your hiring goals.

Work With Us