Congrats on Being Named a 2024-2025 Military Friendly® School!

Secure Your Spot In The Military Friendly® Schools Guide

Your school has earned the designation, now let the military community know in the Guide to Military Friendly® Schools! Reach hundreds of thousands of veterans and transitioning service members looking for schools around the country.

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    • Print distributed to 230+ military installations worldwide
    • Digitally distributed to 50,000+ G.I. Jobs registered users 
    • Shared with over 300,000+ followers on all social media platforms 

Tap into the military community and get your brand in front of potential students who are qualified, have access to tuition assistance, and are ready to enroll

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What’s Inside the Schools Guide:

  • 2024-2025 Military Friendly Schools list
  • Success After Service:
    • Manufacturing: Benelynk, Safespill
    • Construction: Pike Enterprises
    • Healthcare: HCA Healthcare
  • Student Veteran Athlete of the Year
  • and more!