Increase Your
Military Veteran
Student Enrollment

Maximize Your Recruiting Efforts With Our Annual Student Recruitment Packages


These student recruitment packages are designed to help schools of all types and sizes increase their brand exposure and reach military veterans, spouses, and service members in a more efficient and cost-effective way.

Package Details

We’ve combined 3 of our most effective student recruitment tools to offer our partners a simple, proven, and effective way to reach more potential students. 
Tap into the military audience we’ve cultivated over the past 21 years to expand your brand, reach potential students, and leverage this renewable source of future students. 

Learn More | Ask About Pricing

Annual Bronze

  • 12 Month: Digital Profile
  • 1x: 1/2 Page Ad in G.I. Jobs magazine
  • 1x: E-Blast

Annual Platinum

  • 12 Month: Digital Profile
  • 3x: Full Page Ads in G.I. Jobs magazine
  • 4x: E-Blast

Annual Gold

  • 12 Month: Digital Profile
  • 3x: 1/2 Page Ads in G.I. Jobs magazine
  • 2x: E-Blast