Chaz’s path to Military Friendly® was shaped by a deep sense of duty and family legacy. With Grandparents who served in the Navy during WWll, he grew up with a profound respect for service and leadership beyond his years. His military journey began with a desire to make a difference and be part of something greater than himself, values he continues to carry with him in both his professional and personal life.
A Legacy of Service
For Chaz, joining the military was about being part of a larger mission. The events of 9/11 left a lasting impression on a young Charles Dorr. At 13, it’s hard to wrap your head around what you are seeing when you look at the TV and The World Trade Center is burning, followed by hearing on the radio that the Pentagon has been hit, and footage of people dancing on the American Flag.
Take a minute and think about where you were in 2001. How did you respond?
Chaz’s response? “I’ll see you when I’m 18.” And that he did. The Marine Corps instilled in him a sense of discipline, leadership, and commitment that shaped his time in the service and continues to help define his life today.
The Power of Camaraderie
One of the most rewarding experiences for Chaz during his military service was the camaraderie and bonds he formed with his fellow Marines. “Meeting my brothers in arms, shooting every Marine infantry weapons system we had, going on missions in a combat zone… The brotherhood and comradery going through these life-changing times are things you will wish you had back one day when they’re all gone. That’s how special those times are, you will sometimes wish you were deployed again to go through it with your boys!”
Once a Marine, always a Marine. A saying that Chaz defines wonderfully – “It is something that to this day defines a big part of my identity. At boot camp, when you step on those yellow footprints you have committed to changing who you are with core values such as Honor, Courage, and Commitment as well as inspiring and motivating you to be part of the next best generation of America’s finest fighting force!”
He continued, “Growing up I was more of a student who just got by and only got good grades in subjects I liked. After the Marine Corps, I became a top student in all classes because of the effort and dedication to be the best version of myself each and every day.” The Corps, the brotherhood it forms, and the values it instills are for life.
From Military Service to Civilian Life
The transition from the service to civilian life wasn’t without its bumps. For Chaz, the biggest challenge he faced was the realization that he was on this next mission alone. “I had been surrounded by my brothers who I fought and served with and built an irreplaceable comradery with everyone to my left and right and when you get out, POOF that is all gone.”
His second realization is that the average recruiter or hiring manager really didn’t understand what it meant to be a part of the military community and the value veterans bring to the workplace. He puts it like this, “No one hiring you TRULY cares about what you accomplished in the military, or took my time in service as something that would be an asset to their organization.”
While no light task, as Marines do, he persevered and carved out a nice chunk for himself in the corporate world. Military Friendly® took Chaz off of the job market and when we did, we didn’t just see an MBA Graduate with 13 years of Sales and Account Management experience, but all of the intangibles that Chaz brings with him due to his service.
Chaz’s time in the military helped him develop skills that have been critical to his success in civilian roles. The leadership, resilience, and problem-solving abilities gained in the Marine Corps have translated into his work with Military Friendly® employers, helping them realize the immense value of hiring veterans, military spouses, and transitioning service members.
Supporting the Military Community in the Civilian Workforce
We asked Chaz what his new mission looks like day-to-day – “With first-hand experience going through TAP class (Transition Assistance Program), as well as being part of the target audience for organizations, universities, and consumers, I can provide valuable insight toward marketing strategies for this audience especially while speaking to civilians who are not familiar with marketing to this audience.”
As an Account Manager at Military Friendly®, Chaz helps organizations realize the untapped potential in the military community. It’s a massive yet underutilized audience and he’s passionate about educating businesses on the benefits of hiring military talent—individuals who bring leadership, discipline, and a strong work ethic to the workplace. Having lived in both military and civilian worlds, Chaz is the ideal tip of the Military Friendly® spear.
Family Life After Service
For Charles, family life has always been at the top of his priority list, and after leaving the military, this new mission was clear. His military experience instilled a sense of discipline and commitment that now guides him as a husband and father. Being “family-oriented” can mean something different depending on who you ask, but we recommend you ask Chaz. “Prioritizing family over everything else in life and doing so by being present in their lives every day. My professional life allows me to provide for my family and in that aspect, I can lean on my family to help me through my professional life and lean on my professional life to enable me to provide as a father and husband and provide the quality of life that we like to live.”
We asked Chaz a lot about military values, more specifically, Marine Corps values, but we’re really interested in how those values impact everyday life after the service as a professional and as a family member.
“We had a saying in the Marines of God, Family, Corps. Being faithful to God is something that has been a huge part of my life and spiritually I remain strong with a bond to God and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Family, being a devoted Father and husband as well as son and member of extended family, to be a pillar to lean on and a model to lead by example. Corps, being a patriot and committing to our motto Semper Fidelis (Always Faithful).”
Like in the service and in his civilian career, Chaz applies the values of honor, courage, and commitment to his family life whether it’s a family excursion or coaching the little one’s sports. In his professional role, Chaz has always stayed passionate about supporting military families as they transition into their own civilian careers. He understands the importance of stability and opportunity for military families, having come from one, and having worked to provide that for his own.
The Impact of Hiring Veterans and Military Spouses
Military Friendly® is where America comes to connect with the Military Community, and in his roles as an Account Manager, he acts as a bridge between employers/schools/brands, and the military community. This got him fired up – “What excites me? Being able to indirectly help people through Military Friendly®, and potentially provide a path to universities, companies, and entrepreneur opportunities. Providing stability and continued purpose toward growth and achievements personally and professionally for our audience.”
He went on, “We connect you (employers, schools, and brands) to the audience and share valuable insights on what things you can do to make your organization more appealing to the military community versus others. The term “Monday Morning Quarterback” comes into mind as there are many “should of”, “would of”, and “could of” scenarios that I wish I could have explored but was not given the right opportunity or knowledge before making a life-changing decision like pursuing a degree that might not truly align with my career goals. Military Friendly can do this through all aspects of your life; education, employment, where you choose to live via state guides, and how to continue to grow and pass on knowledge to the next generation of the military community.”
For Chaz, supporting military talent isn’t just a job—it’s a mission to ensure that these individuals get the recognition and opportunity they deserve, both in their careers and in their families’ futures.
In parting, we asked Chaz to share a message with employers who may not fully understand the power of hiring military talent. “Give a transitioning service member a chance to wow you, I’m almost certain they would do just that given the opportunity, training, and guidance. No one will thank you more or be more loyal than someone coming out of the military looking for purpose. Most of us get out equally as lost, exploring what we want to do in life.”
Chaz is a testament to the fact that Veterans are better off for their service.
If you are interested in connecting with Chaz to learn how you can tap into the military community, just fill out the form below!